Mt Frissell (South Slope), CT – Highpoint #3 of 4 Complete

Mt Frissell (South Slope), CT – Highpoint #3 of 4 Complete

We are now standing at the HP in CT. This is the hardest highpoint that Susan has done with me. She found the steep rocky sections challenging, but she took her time and got it done. It’s overcast but we can see color dappled valleys from Here.

The 2,380′ highpoint of Connecticut is not actually not summit of Mt Frissel which is in Massassachusets but the shoulder. To get here you climb over the top of Mt Frissell and drop down to the CT/MA state line. We are standing directly over the state line in the photo. The green marker near my right foot is the state lone marker, so that point is the highest you can be and still be in CT. If you climb back up higher you will be back in Massachusetts. 

CT/MA State line marker



The Appalachian Trail comes close to this point and many will visit this state highpoint which is about a 5 mile detour from the AT.

