Loading Planes Now!

Loading Planes Now!

We finally got the call and The last 30 minutes have been a mad scramble to get suited up and gear loaded onto the planes.

After three days of waiting, we finally have a slight break in the weather and have decided to go for it. It is more likely that the hole will close before we get there and we will have to turn back. But a plane ride through the mountains is far better than sitting around.

If all goes well we should be on the Kahiltna Glacier soon. We have pre-rigged our sleds and ropes so we can hit the ground running and markup for lost time.

Weasel Limitations
Blog posts from the mountain will be limited to 160 characters and will have no images posted. Remember the weasels from the first post?  The weasels can’t be trusted with photos either. If you are only reading the emails you won’t see them anyway, you have to visit the full blog which is linked at the bottom. And let me know if you find some smarter weasels.

