The Trouble with Ducks

The schedule change yesterday meant that we needed to stay in Duluth another day for me to do  Eagle Mountain the Minnesota highpoint. 
The problem is that a couple hundred thousand people are now flooding into Duluth and every RV park within a hundred miles is booked. We heard from a local that the convention center allowed RV parking, and managed to get the only spot large enough to accommodate our 41′ coach. So the coach is parked, and I’m headed north now for Eagle Mountain. This will be a long day as I expect 6+ hours of driving and around 5 hours of climbing. 
And why are people flooding into Duluth? To see some old boats and "DuckZilla", a giant rubber duck. I’m not kidding, it’s an 11 ton duckie they pull with a tugboat. Really, I don’t make this stuff up, take a look for yourself.

